Reaching New Horizons In The 2019 NUDC

Publish by Humas  |  12 Maret 2020  |  20728


UKRIDA Students Improving Skill Through NUDC 2019

Debating is something I am not familiar with since I have never done it before. Yet, recently, I had joined a debating competition called National University Debating Champhionship (NUDC). I learned many things regarding the debate and made some new friends along the way.

NUDC is a national debating competition held by the Directorate General of Instruction and Student Affairs, where university students from around Indonesia could broaden their knowledge and hone their debating skills. There are two types of competition, separated by English and Indonesian language. This competition is also divided into several divisions or areas. My place is LLDIKTI Area 3, which UMN is the host for the game from 26 until 28 June 2019.

At first, I was intimidated by the NUDC participants because most of the teams are experienced and might eliminate us from the first round. Though I immediately toughened myself up and believed that I could pass this since my team practiced a lot for weeks. The first round came, and everybody hurried up to come up with ideas. My teammate and I were panicking since the topic and position we are assigned are quite complicated. Nevertheless, we managed to place second in the first round. Each round by round, I use the chance to gain more advice and knowledge from the judges to improve my skills; it was quite surprising that most of the staff are friendly and helpful to the participants.

After completing the rounds for the first day, the results are ready to be announced to see who will be the winner and face more challengers from other provinces. Everyone was anxious and gulping down their breath, including me. I do have confidence that our team will make it, but I still couldn't help myself to think for the worst possible. Name after name of universities; our eyes kept observing the result screen. Finally, our university name came out, and we were all excited to move to the quarter semi-finals. Although we did lose in the end, the experience is worth to come for.

UKRIDA Students Improving Skill Through University Debating Champhionship

Along the way, I made a couple of friends who attended universities that are near our own. Everyone was friendly, and we share our experiences throughout the competition. We exchanged phone numbers and even made a group so we could spar sometime if ever had the chance. I like the atmosphere and warm welcome from so many people that are now my friends, I thought I might get more complicated groups, but it turns out my intuition is failing me.

To end my article, NUDC 2019 was a new experience for me, but I learned many things and made some new friends. I believe UKRIDA students should give a chance for debating whenever possible since it's practically the best source to speak out your minds and gaining meaningful experiences.

By Adeline 712018001