2018 Annual Teacher Workshop

Publish by ude  |  20 September 2018  |  9141

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UKRIDA Department of English held its 2nd Annual Workshop for School Teachers on 20th August 2018.

UKRIDA Department of English held its 2nd Annual Workshop for School Teachers on 20th August 2018. This year, the topic of “Managing Classroom with Millennial Students” was explored in responding to teachers’ needs of exploring ways of adapting to the classrooms comprised of millennial students.

The topic was explored in depth by two experienced invited speakers. The first speaker was Dr. Itje Chodidjah, M.A., who is an expert staff in the Education and Culture Ministry and an Independent Education Management Professional. She facilitated the first and second sections focusing on how to manage the learning experiences of millennial students. In these sections, the speaker gave some best practices how to conduct more engaging and relevant classroom learning activities. Then, Pinkan M. Indira, M. Psi., Psikolog, as the second speaker, explored the issues of how to understand the psychological needs of millennial students. Ms. Pinkan is a trainer and speaker in the area of educational psychology and lecturer at UKRIDA Psychology Department.

The participants came from various schools across Jabodetabek, such as Penabur, Kalam Kudus, IPEKA, Saint John Catholic School, Mentari Intercultural School, and Pelita Bangsa School. The workshop ran smoothly, despite some problems. They found this year workshop relevant to their present needs. Workshop sessions also provided them with updated information related to pedagogy and methodology on how to teach the millennial students and facilitate their learning process. Realizing the benefits offered by the workshop, all the participants stated that they looked forward to participating in next year workshop.