Empowering UDE Students through Conference Participation and Theater Visit

Publish by ude  |  30 November 2017  |  2431

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DE perceives that learning and practicing English can take place both inside and outside the class.

UDE perceives that learning and practicing English can take place both inside and outside the class. Various contexts outside the class tailored with structured activities can serve as valuable inputs and resources for students’ further learning. Students are able to interact with other related parties who constructively contribute new knowledge while at the same time put their existing knowledge and skills into dialogue and practice. UDE consistently ensures that this principle is translated into department programs and activities related to student empowerment. Among other activities, the followings are some activities successfully conducted: Teater Koma Visit, TESOL students’ participation in UHAMKA 1ST International Conference on ELT and CALL (UICELL) 2017, South East Asian Intercollegiate Seminar (SEAIS) 2016, and Seminar on Penelitian dalam Kajian Penerjemahan 2017.


Visiting Teater Koma is part of building team capacity for UDE students who are in charge of performing annual Christmas Drama Performance in university Christmas celebration. This visit was meant to provide students with on spot experience of how to prepare and launch a drama performance. Drama performance does not only require eloquent speech in English and the ability to bring each character to life on the stage, but it also demands a structured and well-orchestrated performance as a whole among some smaller groups works on different role. These smaller groups are casts, music and arrangement team, costume and make up team, lighting team, and staging and property team.

UDE students enjoyed the liberty to watch from a very close distance all parts of the team behind the stage and observe how the preparation went on. They also interviewed some casts of how to act out their characters. Some valuable tips were also shared to the students on how to move on the stage naturally and how to bring up the characters by playing with intonation and volume. Furthermore, they found valuable inputs on how aspects regarding lightning, costume and make-up, sound and music, property should be prepared in order to present an engaging drama performance. The visit was wrapped up nicely by watching the performance lively in the evening. UDE students watched Teater Koma performance on the stage as their annual performance: “Opera Kecoa” (2016) and “Sie Jin Kwie – Melawan Siluman Barat” (2017).

TESOL students attending UHAMKA First International Conference on ELT and CALL (UICELL) 2017

Ten students who are currently taking TESOL as their concentration had an opportunity to join an international conference hosted by Universitas HAMKA on 23 – 24 November 2017. This 2-day-conference took English Language Teaching and Computer Assisted Language Learning as the theme. This theme is obviously greatly relevant to learning needs for this group of students.

Participating in this conference benefited them in several ways. Firstly, they updated their existing knowledge in the area of EFL and CALL by listening to keynote speech delivered by reputable national and international speakers. Secondly, their pedagogical and methodological perspectives were enriched by sitting in multiple parallel sessions where they listened to selected speakers’ presentations on how EFL and CALL are tailored and addressed on classroom level. The presentations may also helped them to have a better and clearer pictures on how particular teaching strategies operated in classrooms. Fresh ideas on teachers’ initiative, creativities and research results are the most valuable learning points to bring back to the class. Thirdly, in terms of language practice, attending this conference is the best way for students to practice their academic listening skills, to exercise their information processing ability and to synthesize (finding the link) between what they have listened before in their TESOL classes and the new information they gathered across the sessions.

TESOL Students Attending South East Asian Intercollegiate Seminar (SEAIS) 2016

Another academic seminar attended by UDE students South East Asian Intercollegiate Seminar (SEAIS) 2016. This 2-day-seminar on 10-11 November 2016 was organised by the English Department of Universitas Atma Jaya, Jakarta, to gather students and practitioners from all over ASEAN countries to share and discuss recent issues and implications of World Englishes in ASEAN communities.

The students got some insights from the invited speakers and parallel presentations. One of the invited speakers, Dr. Ruanni Tupas from National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore, talked about how the ownership of the English language has shifted from the British and American to other nations all over the globe. He also discussed the effects and implications of the ownership of English in non-English speaking countries on the practices of L2 teaching and learning in ASEAN countries. Our students admitted that they gained much insights from Mr. Tupas’ session and that his explanation regarding the topic has expanded the knowledge they learned from our class.

TIN Students Attending Seminar Penelitian dalam Kajian Penerjemahan

Translation studies have been growing in the last few years. Haru Deliana Dewi, Ph.D., graduated from Kent State University, OH, majoring in Translation Studies. During the seminar, she described the Translation Studies based on Holmes’ map. Translation studies are divided into two big areas: pure and applied. Further, they are divided into several translation studies. In addition to the description, Ibu Haru also provided examples and references of the related translation studies.

This UDE regular fully funded program might be considered as a minute contribution. Yet, it displays UDE’s commitment to provide not only different but also quality learning experiences for its students.