Interactive Session: To The Extraordinary Challenges of This World We Respond with The Beauty of Our HUMANITY
Dipublikasikan pada 21 Agustus 2023
Detail Acara
21 Sep 2023
17.00 - 20.00
Online via Zoom
Deskripsi Acara
Interactive Session 'To The Extraordinary Challenges of This World We Respond with The Beauty of Our HUMANITY'.
This interactive session provides the space for reflections related to the three previous themes of global health, ageing and climate change as well as observations, experiences, aspirations, and contributions for the wellbeing for our human planet
- To acknowlege the challenges to achieve wellbeing for the earth
- To discuss how PRH (Personality and Human Relations) helps persons, relationships, and groups develop their humanity
- To find strength within each individual and community to do what is within their power
- To foster hope in humankind
Moderator and Speaker:
- Moderator and Speaker:
dr. Theresia Citraningtyas, MWH, PhD, Sp.KJ
Highlights from the Interactive Talkshow Series (Global Mental Health, Anti-ageing, and Climate Change)
- Rocio Ortega de Toro - Educator PRH Italy -Sharing Experience from Italy
- Remy Hadinata - Introduction to Personality and Human Relations
- Hani Satriyo - Personal Wellbeing and the Wellbeing of the Planet
- dr. Rossalina Lili, Sp.KJ - Personal Growth and Adaptibility in Life Changing Experiences