2021 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Productivity & Sustainability

Dipublikasikan pada 25 Oktober 2021
Detail Acara
 09 s.d. 10 Dec 2021
 07.00 - selesai

Deskripsi Acara

2021 IMPS is hosted by Krida Wacana Christian University (UKRIDA), Jakarta, Indonesia, in partnership with Seattle Pacific University (S.P.U.), Seattle, U.S.A., and National Formosa University (NFU), Yunlin, Taiwan. The conference aims to bring together experts, researchers, professionals, educators, and scholar students in various disciplines to share their investigation and interpretation of global issues and higher education (HE) practices. The event highlights how the 2019 coronavirus pandemic has affected learning, research, and management approaches in HE. Evaluation and speculation focus on HE future research and practices in Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 Era.


Panitia IMPS 2021
