Publikasi - [ Radiologi ]

Nama Dosen Judul Penelitian Nama Jurnal Tahun, Volume, Nomor, Halaman Link DOI
BUDIAWAN ATMADJA (RADIOLOGI) Laparoscopic Approach in Large Rare Adrenal Ganglioneuroma Indonesian Journal of Cancer, Vol 16(3), 198–201, September 2022
MONICA CHERLADY ANASTASIA (RADIOLOGI) Lesi Pellegrini-Stieda pada Perempuan: Penemuan Kecil Radiologi tetapi Penting Jurnal Kedokteran Meditek 2021;27(3): 258-262
MONICA CHERLADY ANASTASIA (RADIOLOGI) The Correlation Between Vulva Hygiene And Intra Uterine Devices With Vaginal Discharge In Women Of Reproductive Age Jurnal Medscientiae 2023; 2(1):
MONICA CHERLADY ANASTASIA (RADIOLOGI) The Outcome of Patients with Sepsis at Tarakan Hospital Central Jakarta in 2021 Muhammadiyah Medical Journal (MMJ) 2021;27(3): 217-222 10.24853/mmj.2.2.49-54
SONY SUTRISNO (RADIOLOGI) Bilateral Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation in Female Patient Based on Computed Tomography Imaging: a Rare Case Report Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2021), 06(04): 393-398
SONY SUTRISNO (RADIOLOGI) Laporan Kasus : Septo Optic Dysplasia (de Morsier Syndrome) Jurnal Kedokt. Meditek Vol. 26 No. 3 (2020): SEPTEMBER - DESEMBER
SONY SUTRISNO (RADIOLOGI) Imaging Diagnosis of Testicular Lymphoma in Young Male Patient: Incidental Finding in Ultrasonography Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 11 No. C (2023): C
MIRA FITRININGSIH (RADIOLOGI) Hubungan beban dan tinggi tas ransel dengan nyeri punggung bawah pada siswa SMA J. Medsciantiae Volume 2 No 3, September-Desember 2023