Students Say It All: A Closer Look Inside UDE

Publish by ude  |  09 April 2015  |  14228

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2014 UDE students proudly took part in presenting their department's profile, sharing about English majors in general and future careers of the graduates.

Four students represented the department are Puad, Amon, Averina, and Marissa. Puad did most of the presentation. He received many interesting questions from SMAN 1 Tangsel students. Amon (from Thailand) shared her experience being an international student at the UDE, Averina talked about her favorite activities, and Marissa (2015 Putri Ukrida) discussed her interests in the courses offered. Finally an essay written by Meyling represented the majority of the UDE students' voice that they shared to the SMAN 1 Tangsel students.

Puad mentioned that students at SMAN 1 asked questions like What makes UDE different from other English Departments, What programs UDE have involving network institutions? Are there are scholarships available? Puad pointed out that the program and the lecturers were of UDE strengths. Three concentrations offered: Creative Writing, TESOL, and Translation/Interpreting are designed based on the international curriculum standard. UDE appears to be the first English Department in Indonesia that offers Creative Writing concentration. TESOL and Translation/Interpreting are the other two concetrations tailored and delivered based on current practices in the fields. UDE exchange program organized nearly to the study completion will add to students' international experiences and cultural exhanges. On scholarships, there are hundreds of scholarship available every year for all Ukrida students, including UDE.

This year UDE students are excited to have an international classmate from Thailand. Amon 's presence in the class has enriched her batchmates with more insights into Thai's culture and way of life. Amon believed that studying English would help her find a job in the future. She considers Ukrida a great university to study in Jakarta.

What impressed Averina the most was how the class activities were approached beyond the traditional lectures. The students' daily hardwork is paid off by interesting activities such as watching a movie during the mid term test, spending time with the lecturers to see performances at the theater, preparing a drama performance and recording. These are some activities that have casted aside her fears of becoming an English Department student. There is even a mentoring group set up to help students cath up with difficult course topics. Averina is one of the student mentors.

Marissa said that courses like Western Civilization and Culture, Critical and Creative Inquiry, and Creative Writing were interesting. She added that her public speaking skills had improved tremendously ever since she enrolled at the UDE. In all of the courses, every student has the chance to do presentations in English. Early this year, Marissa even got selected to be the 2015 Putri Ukrida after demonstrating her talents, intelligence, and grace. Together with 2015 Putra Ukrida, she will be an Ukrida representative in various events.

"Where the cultivation of academic and technical skills is at the heart of a language learning program"

Finally what Meyling, one of the best students, writes below describe her idea and experience of studying at UDE.

Some people often assume that a new study program is an experimental project. I also think the same before I joined Ukrida Department of English. At first I thought this study program would not be as good as the program in other popular universities. On the first day I joined the class, I realized I had made a wrong judgement.

Ukrida Department of English (UDE) has qualified lecturers who graduated from various well-known universities locally and abroad. They have extensive teaching experience and willingly spend time to help students understand every lesson. I am very impressed with their hard work in teaching and preparing the teaching materials. They also create small group discussions to help us understand difficult topics, giving their honest feedback without demeaning us. Their discipline and integrity in teaching has convinced me that I can reach my success studying in this department..

The comfortable campus environment is an advantage; affordable tuition fees, friendly staff and strategic location are among other added values of Ukrida in general. It is easy for me to adapt with others classmates although we came from different backgrounds.

Ukrida Department of English is a new study program but they are ready to educate their students wishing to learn English intensively. The result of something new will be either, bad or good. I think joining Ukrida Department of English is the best decision I have ever made in my life. (Meyling – 2014 UDE Student).