2018 UDE Student Orientation

Publish by ude  |  20 September 2018  |  8267

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UDE student orientation (PSMB) is an annual event that is organized to welcome and introduce new students to the department.

UDE student orientation (PSMB) is an annual event that is organized to welcome and introduce new students to the department. With a theme  "LIGHT: Living in a Great Harmony Together", the student orientation was carried out on 13 - 16 August 2018.

On the first day, freshmen were introduced to know more about the faculty and the department. All of us sang UDE Anthem to welcome them to be a part of the family. They got to know UDE faculty members, rules, and UDE Student Organization (Himpunan Mahasiswa-HIMA). They also enjoyed a mini-talk show about Campus Life and learning style that would help them to know pictures of being a real university student.

On the second day, the freshmen were made more familiar with the faculty. A set of activities for the day was prepared to make the new students know more about themselves as well as each other. Firstly, they had a Motivational Workshop that helped them to know more about themselves. Then, they were separated into different teams to be engaged in more fun activities. They learned values (such as the importance of teamwork, avoiding misunderstanding, solidarity, and caring) that would prepare them to be university students by playing games in a session called "Post-to-Post". The posts are spread throughout the campus, which also gave them the opportunity to do a tour around the facility. They also had to solve a list of missions on "Scavenger Hunt" where they got to know their new friends a little bit more by doing various exciting activities.

On the third day, the freshmen went on a field trip. As a learning culture is a part of literature, they went to museums to find out more about Jakarta. The freshmen took Transjakarta Bus to Kota Tua. They had three destinations: Fatahillah Museum, Wayang Museum, and Indonesian Bank Museum. They didn't go empty-handed. They had a list of tasks to make a report regarding their visit to those three museums. In the museums, they learned about the culture and history that the capital city had. It was a memorable experience that would stick in their memory for a long time.

The last day is the day when the freshmen learned about leadership and organization through LKMM (Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa) sessions. In this phase one of LKMM, they learned more about self-leading. They had sessions about the function of being university students, organizations at the faculty, the academic system at UDE, communication skills, and time management. After joining all of the sessions, all of the faculty members and freshmen gathered together to have lunch in the Potluck session. We then closed the day with Talent Show (performing dramas) and the song "Bersama Keluargaku" that was sung together by all of UDE members.

UDE students orientation was successfully done this year. We hope that the freshmen could adapt well to the university life so that they would improve their skills & abilities in classes and enjoy their years as university students. ()