ECom Storyteller 2017

Publish by ude  |  16 Oktober 2017  |  13049

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Winning ECom’s StoryTelling competition is a valuable experience for me, Agustina Dita, a part of 2016 batch Ukrida Department of English student.

Winning ECom’s StoryTelling competition is a valuable experience for me, Agustina Dita, a part of 2016 batch Ukrida Department of English student. ECom is an annual English competition held by Binus International. Not only storytelling, Ecom also holds English competition in other fields such as debate, story writing, spelling bee, scrabble, newscasting and speech. With "Empower The Youth" as their jargon, Binus International invited talented teenagers from all high schools and universities across Indonesia, to enhance their ability in English at ECom.

The competition was done in two rounds. A week before the competition was held, the participants were given several themes about the story that they had to show in the first round. Participants were required to create their own stories, and collected the texts to the judges. Each participant was given 5 - 7 minutes to show their story. I chose the theme "Expectation vs. Reality "with the title of the story" Zombies do not eat brain."

Then, after the first half ends, the participants were filtered into the top 10 to continue the second half. The announcement of the story for the participant who passes to the second round was done that same day. The topic was specified by lottery. I got the theme "Living In Harmony" with the title of the story "Harmony must be earned." Participants were given a very short time to make their own story. It must be collected and performed on the next day.

All the hard work, sleepless night and eye bags were paid off when the ECOM committee announced that I won the 1st place for the 2017 ECom storytelling competition. I tend to be pessimistic at first. It was very unexpected that this could happen. I am very proud of myself. I hope this article that I write can inspire all students in UKRIDA to continue contributing their ability. (Agustina Dita)